week 35: tot 14h30min

sun: mtb 3h30min
melibokus - auerbacher schloss

sat: road biking 2h15min
da - melibokus - da by road with lars, a little tired due to the weinfest. ;) hr ave 107, max 160.

fri: running 45min
recovery, legs ok. hr ave 127, max 152.

thu: road biking 2h
da - frankenhausen - beedenkirchen - bensheim - da alone, legs quite bad. hr ave 107, max 159.

wed: road biking 2h15min
da - modautal - bensheim - da, beautiful sunset but legs bad, thanks to running yesterday and lack of energy. hr ave 121, max 159.

tue: gym 1h
abs & back

tue: running 1h15min
around darmstadt. hr ave 130, max 157.

mon: road biking 1h30min
easy after-work ride to ober-beerbach - stettbachtal with lars, legs good, hr ave 116, max 196.

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