week 43: tot 8h15min

sun: road biking 3h30min
da - frankfurt (to see frankfurt marathon) + climbing feldberg (hofheim - feldberg - bad soden)

sat: road biking 2h15min
ober-beerbach - brandau - reichenbach - brandau - steigerts - stettbachtal, legs hurt, but otherwise ok.

fri: gym 30min
upper body not completely easily.

fri: running 45min
on a treadmill, legs ok.

thu: spinning 1h
legs good, head good! :) hr ave 151, max 178.

thu: running 45min
on a treadmill, legs ok and head very pleased for some exercise! hr ave 152, max 175.

wed: rest
german course

tue: rest
german course

mon: rest
german course

week 42: 8h30min

sun: hiking 4h
in mühltal with mom & dad :)

sat: rest

fri: gym 30min

thu: spinning 1h

wed: spinning 1h

wed: running 45min

tue: rest

mon: spinning 1h15min
recovery, legs ok. hr ave 130, max 161.

week 41: tot 9h15min

sun: mtb 4h15min
all the best trails in the most beatiful autumn weather! hr ave 117, max 165.

sat: running 2h
quite easily, legs ok. hr ave 125, max 151.

fri: gym 30min
upper body easily

fri: running 15min
on a treadmill, legs ok, head tired. hr ave 144, max 181.

thu: spinning 1h
legs extremely good, hr ave 153, max 175.

wed: spinning 1h
legs good, feeling good, and not tired. hr ave 145, max 171.

wed: running 15min
on a treadmill, legs and feeling very good after 2 days of rest. hr ave 149, max 178.

tue: rest
german course

mon: rest
german course

week 40: tot 10h15min

sun: gym 30min
upper body easily

sun: road biking 3h15min
nonrod - lindenfels with lars, legs ok for the long time! weather beautiful but cold. hr ave 120, max 162.

sat: running 2h
very difficult in he beginning, but got better, hr ave 130, max 158.

fri: rest

thu: spinning 1h
legs ok, good pace, hr ave 131, max 157.

wed: spinning 1h
legs ok, but tired. hr ave 132, max 159.

wed: running 30min
on a treadmill, very heavy & difficult in the beginning, but got better. hr ave 147, max 168.

tue: gym 45min
pper body easily, extremely tired

mon: road biking 4h15min
a triathlon track + some extra, 120km. legs bad. beautiful weather again. maybe now it's a good time to end this season before biking is getting too boring... hr ave 109, max bs.
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